Friday, October 10, 2008


As hard as it is to believe, it did in fact SNOW in Bend last night. A year ago when we moved here, it snowed for the first time in mid-October, and was the beginning of the worst winter in two decades...of course. So, I hope that this even earlier snow season, doesn't forecast the worst winter ever!!! I am so not ready for uggs, sweaters and wool coats...almost, but not quite! Although, on this VERY cold, gray and gloomy friday afternoon, sweats, hot chocolate and a chick flick does sound quite nice :)


  1. It's days like that that i wish we had a TV. It's been "blustery" here all day - finally Fall! But WINTER? I'm not ready for THAT yet. :) -sam

  2. wow...not even like that here yet. but we'll compare winters this year and see who has it worse k? love you!

  3. Hi! Thanks for the note. We'd love to see you! I am jealous of your snow, I'd love to see some here in Davis!
